Inmates family members react to outbreak at Airway Heights, DOC responds to accusations

AIRWAY HEIGHTS, Wash. -- The situation at Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) has become increasingly dire, as an outbreak of the COVID-19 virus swept through the facility, causing 779 positive cases in just eight days. Of the roughly 2,200 inmates housed at Airway Heights, one in three have tested positive for the virus. The outbreak has caused family members to fear for the safety of their loved ones isolated in the cells. 

Since the initial outbreak on Dec. 1, KHQ has received dozens of calls and messages from inmates, family members, and concerned citizens regarding the living conditions at the facilities. One of those messages came from DeeDee Blevins, the mother of an inmate at AHCC who says her son only has 68 days left on his sentence. However, her son's medical conditions make those last few months very dangerous for him. 

Blevins son is missing a spleen, which physicians say would make it very dangerous for him if he were to contract the virus. "I'm not the mother that pretends like my child's perfect, he's not. He made a mistake, and this is why he's in there. But my physician made it very clear; my son's chances of surviving COVID are very slim. Why does my son deserve a death sentence? He doesn't" said Blevins. 

With his release date being Feb. 13, Blevins is worried he won't make it that long if he gets sick. She claims he is living in a cell with two other inmates, and with one in three inmates testing positive and cases increasing daily, she fears for his life. 

"My son is a human. He's not an inmate. He's a human being," added Blevins. She also spoke about her fears for the other inmates and their families, saying "as much as we appreciate the opportunity to tell a little about our son, we have to remember there are hundreds and hundreds of families out there that are in the same position we are." 

Blevins finished by saying, "it's worse when I get the letters every day and my son's begging me; "mom I don't wanna die. Can you help me? I don't know what to do." I'm begging for help for my son. Don't make me put him in a box in the ground" 

DeeDee Blevins wasn't the only worried family member contacting KHQ about the conditions at the prison. Many people have voiced their concerns, both to KHQ and to the public about this issue. KHQ reached out to Airway Heights to inquire on the current conditions and address the fears voiced by the family members. 

Question: "Where is everyone being separated and housed? Families say their loved ones are sleeping on cots in a gymnasium with little social distancing and poor sanitary conditions. Is this true?"

AHCC Response: "Airway Heights Corrections Center has established multiple alternative housing areas within the facility to safely house COVID-19 positive incarcerated individuals separately from healthy individuals. The gym/rec building is one of the alternative housing areas, this area has cots, provided by the Red Cross, shower and bathroom capabilities and hand held phones for incarcerated individuals to call their loved ones. The Regional Care Facility (RCF) is a second alternative housing area, with hospital beds, shower and bathroom access and hand held phones for incarcerated individuals to call their loved ones."

Question: "Some claim they haven’t been able to shower for days & weeks due to the current lockdown there?"

AHCC Response: "Protocols for medical isolation have developed continuously throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. For the most current medical protocols pertaining to medical isolation, please review the WA State DOC COVID-19 Screening, Testing, and Infection Control Guidelines. Plans are developed in medical isolation areas to allow out of cell time access for a minimum of 30 minutes each day per person. Currently in the protocols after 7 days of medical isolation, showers should occur per normal unit operating procedures. The first seven days of medical isolation are to remain highly restricted movement to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19. Additionally, Corrections will continue to provide running water, basins and hygiene products for individuals to utilize for hygiene purposes whenever they desire. The department will continue to update medical protocols as the COVID-19 response progresses."

Question: "Inmates and loved ones say they haven’t received a hot meal in a couple of weeks. Is this true, and if so, why? Is it because of protocol? Or safety, in terms of is it safer to not have a bunch of people cooking meals for others?"

AHCC Response: "Airway Heights has been providing daily hot meals to the incarcerated population. Airway Heights remains fully compliant with food safety guidelines."

Question: "I’m hearing routine medical emergencies are being delayed, due to the immediate needs. Is the outbreak actually causing problems with such matters?"

AHCC Response: "Medical emergencies continue to be treated appropriately and are not delayed."

The questions asked are only able to cover a small portion of the concerns shared with our reporters, however KHQ continues to look deeper into the situation and provide updates and information as it becomes available. 

KHQ NewsChristian Saez